Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Minute Friday - She

She wiped my tears.
She held my hand crossing the street.
She held me when I was sick.
She held me when I was happy.
She laughed with me.
She taught me patience.
She taught me to be brave.
She taught me to be kind.
She taught me to stand up for myself.
She taught me the difference between assertive and being mean.
She taught me to believe in myself.
She taught me to believe in God.
She taught me that motherhood is no easy choice, or easy job.
She still teaches me....

She is strong, beautiful, self confident, and smart.  She is always ready to listen, to offer advice, or just hold my hand when needed. She still wipes my tears, and holds me when I am sick. 

She is my mother. 

And now she is my son's grandmother. 

My mother is my hero. 

Five Minute Friday - She


  1. Such beautiful words about your mother. Visiting from five minute friday!

  2. Glad you have such a wonderful example in your mother! FMF friend and many blessings!
