Monday, August 26, 2013

Feeling Tired

I am feeling tired, beat up, and like there is never enough time in a weekend to get everything accomplished before the week starts again.  This is kind of a whiny post, but it seems that the harder I try to keep things neat and uncluttered, the more mess I have to clean up.  I spent all afternoon Friday, all day Saturday and most of Sunday cleaning house, picking up after my 19 month old, and this morning it looks like I didn't do a thing.  I slowly am losing it.  It seems that I have no direction for my life right now, and is all I do is pick up after my toddler, and try to get a diaper bag packed and his lunch made.  By Monday morning.  I don't get enough sleep, and I wake up already tired and grumpy.  How do I get a handle on this kind of stuff, and get a routine in my life where I can get things done, and still have time to play with my baby.  Family time is very important to me, but with work, housework, taking care of the baby, there doesn't seem to be much family time going on.  I don't know how mothers of multiples do it. 

So I have had this blog now for 8 months, and it seems nothing I set out to do has happened.  Getting so tired of the day to day working at it and spinning my wheels.  Like I say this is a whiny post.  The one thing I am looking forward to is having my son in school, in January where maybe I can take a staycation and get things organized.

I have been called on Jury Duty this week, which seems to make things even harder because it is a day by day type of thing.  It makes work even that much harder to do. 

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