Friday, August 16, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Small

When thinking of the word small, I seem to get something negative in my head.  That is too small for me to wear, that is to small of a job for me to do.  Small people... etc, etc.  The list goes on.  Then I started thinking what if small was positive??  What a concept, so let me explain. 

It is the small things that make a marriage.  It is in the every day minuta (sp) of marriage that the small things end up to big things.  And making a marriage last.  It is the quick kiss goodbye in the morning, a short hug on the way in or out, it is the I love you in passing in the hallway.  Those are all small things that done on a daily basis add up to something very big. 

It is the small things that make a house a home:  A small dinner for two, a small picture on the wall, a small bouquet sitting on the table.  Those are the small things that make a home.

The small things in raising a child:  Stopping to play cars for 10 minutes... such a short time out of a busy day, stopping to take a deep breathe and be patient when he has just played ring toss with your eggs, and the twenty seconds it takes to give him a big hug for no reason.  The small things are what will define and make him a young man someday. 

So it is the small things that make a person happy.  Not how much money you spend, not how much stuff you accumulate, it is the small gestures and I love you's that make something BIG. 

1 comment:

  1. Char, you are so right. It seems the older, or shall I use the word mature, we get the more we realize that "stuff" isn't what makes us happy, it's the small things.

    Loved your post

    Miss Mindy
