Friday, September 27, 2013

Five Minute Friday - True

The word true goes hand in hand with the post I posted this morning.  What comes to mind is to be true to yourself, and forget all the negative voices in your head, forget all of the things that you said you were going to do, and forget what didn't get done yesterday.  Be true and things will fall into place. 

Being true to myself means that I have to quit being negative, quit finding all the excuses to not do something, to remember that I have dreams and hopes.  And in the midst of all the chaos that comes to me through out the day, if I can remember to be true to myself, remember my goals, my dreams and my hopes then everything else is just background noise.  I am the only person responsible for my own happiness, for my own luck.  So if I just stay true to what I believe in, it will happen. 

Interesting Article

This article came with the title How to Get Flat Abs, Have Amazing Sex and Rule the World in 8 Easy steps... and it sparked something within me.  When I read this, this morning, I was thinking of how overweight I am, how if I lose twenty pounds by Christmas I will be happier, if Baby Max would just quit throwing fits.  Of course, none of this will make me any happier.  In the article it states "We chase this idea of I will be happy when...."  and then it goes on to say "if you can read this right now, your life is pretty awesome."  And she is right, my life is pretty awesome.  Then the last thing she says before giving those eight tips are:  Because you are alive, everything is possible!  WOW!!  Just because I am alive everything is possible??  When did I lose that childlike sense of wonder and that all things are possible?  So I am going to take her tips to heart, and remember the eight steps...

1 is stop believing your bullshit!  Time to resurrect the dreams, and quit with the negative talk.  I am good enough, I have dreams, and quit living like it is someone elses life.  This is my life and it's the only one I got.  I choose to be nice to me, and to believe in me.  How else will I teach Baby Max to believe in himself, if I can't do it for me?

2 is to be Happy Now.  What??  Be happy right now just because I can.  The article says "It's a small, significant shift in perspective.  It is easier to look at whats wrong or missing in our lives and believe that this is the big picture."  And it is easier, misery loves misery.  I am going to stop that right now, and just well Be Happy Right Now. 

3 is to look at the stars.  Remember you are a part of this Huge, vast universe.  Enough said, besides the stars are beautiful to look at. 

4 is to let people in.  I do this pretty well, but I do admit to sometimes playing it cool.  And I am very shy, so I tend to be really quiet when meeting new people. 

5 is to stop with the crazy making.  We invent problems that we can worry about all day long.  Just quit and don't take things personally. 

6 is to learn to apologize, sincerely.  Nuff said.

7  is to practice gratitude.  Sometimes I think this is really silly, but it really works.  I am so thankful for a lot of things when I stop and really think about it.  And usually the things I am grateful for are the things I am complaining about.

8 is to be kind.  The author states, "if the biggest thing we do in life is extend love and kindness to even one other human being, we have changed the world for the better."  Another wow, by being kind we can change the world.  One kindness at a time. 

So for today, I would encourage all of you to be kind and to be happy right now.  It is all a choice we can make, and save the world one kindness at a time.  I know that just for today, I am going to do it. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I put Baby Max in preschool/daycare for the first time two weeks ago.  September 9 was his first day of school.  He then promptly got the flu and was sick for the rest of the week.  So I took him the following week, and he seemed to do really good.  But we are having major meltdowns when I pick him up, when I drop him off, and when I am home with him.  He cries for his bottle, and we had almost given up the bottle before hand.  This  is only when we are at home.  At Daycare he does what he is supposed to do, and he is loving it.  He plays, he colors, he eats!  These meltdowns are exhausting to me and I am not sure what to do to keep them from happening. 

I am so looking forward to tomorrow!  It is Friday, and it is my short day.  I haven't had a regular Friday in three weeks now.  I have Baby Max in school all day and I am going home to clean/organize and disinfect everything since our bout with the flu.  It is going to be such a good day.  I can't wait.

The holidays are coming up, and I am so looking forward to a clean house, and carving pumpkins, and doing mommy stuff with my little guy.  I hope the meltdowns come less and less as time goes on.   

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


It is fall.  I love this time of year, it gets me to wanting to bake something (anything) with pumpkin.  So this weekend I have planned some pumpkin rolls, and pumpkin oatmeal.  I can't wait.  The weather is drizzly and getting cool/cold. 

I can't wait for the pumpkin patch this year, with Baby Max.  Carving pumpkins, dressing up for Halloween, Trick Or Treating, then getting ready for Thanksgiving, with cleaning and organizing.  I am up for the task!!

I have put Baby Max in preschool, and I am taking some much needed time to myself.  I hope this doesn't make me a bad mommy, but I have Friday afternoons off, and I am keeping him in school all day on those days so I can clean, do laundry, and all of the other things that don't seem to get done with a toddler running around.  I am excited to have some time to myself to really dive in and get things done.  I think all around this is going to make me a better mommy, because when my cup is full, everyone else's is full too. 

Before having a baby, I was able to do all the things I wanted to do, which included just going to the store.  I could go exercise at the gym, I could go out for a run on a rainy day, I could clean house, and laundry stayed somewhat caught up.  With a baby, you have to schedule everything.  I used to think that people with kids just made up excuses to not do whatever, exercise, grocery shop, clean.  I was SO wrong... it is hard to balance out everything.  And find daycare/babysitter/etc for exercise, cleaning, or just some down time for yourself.  In the last 20 months, I have learned that me time is not selfish, it is important.  I have also learned that I can say no, and feel good about it.  I have also learned that I need to have adult time also.  I love my baby unconditionally, but need to love myself also.  Loving myself allows for me to have time to myself, and enjoy things like a hot shower, and a cup of coffee.  And this in turn allows that love to spill over into taking care of my baby, my husband and my family. 

Amazing what things we learn when we open our eyes!! 

How do you get/fit in me time?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Minute Friday - She

She wiped my tears.
She held my hand crossing the street.
She held me when I was sick.
She held me when I was happy.
She laughed with me.
She taught me patience.
She taught me to be brave.
She taught me to be kind.
She taught me to stand up for myself.
She taught me the difference between assertive and being mean.
She taught me to believe in myself.
She taught me to believe in God.
She taught me that motherhood is no easy choice, or easy job.
She still teaches me....

She is strong, beautiful, self confident, and smart.  She is always ready to listen, to offer advice, or just hold my hand when needed. She still wipes my tears, and holds me when I am sick. 

She is my mother. 

And now she is my son's grandmother. 

My mother is my hero. 

Five Minute Friday - She

Monday, September 16, 2013

Being Sick and Having Faith

Wow, last week was crazy.  I had a very sick baby.  He came down with the flu after one day at school.  So frustrating, to not be able to make him feel better.  The poor thing.  I was home all week with him.  And then this morning, I was back at the doctor because he came down with a cold on top of the flu.  I sure hope he starts to feeling better this week.  It has been a long one.  Sick babies are just no fun.  And I am amazed that something so small can hit every blanket, sheet and towel in the house. 

I went to a dinner on Friday night, and listened to a woman tell her story about surviving domestic violence.  It was very interesting and inspiring.  She says that all through her marriage to the man that was abusing her, she never lost her faith in Jesus.  She knew that Jesus was with her all the time.  It was just a matter of her making the right choices to get out of the situation.  It always amazes me the people that have an unending amount of hope and faith.  Where does that come from?  How can you keep believing when such terrible things are happening.  And this woman still has terrible things happening.... and she still has unending hope and faith.  It just makes me wonder how?  I have a really hard time with my faith when bad things happen.  And I think I may have some misplaced anger too.... and an "it's not fair" attitude. 

I have said before that I am not much of a church goer, and I don't have an endless supply of faith and hope.  Where can that kind of spirit come from? 

Now on to some more mundane business keeping items for myself:

Got to lose weight.  It is slowly creeping up, and I am feeling every extra pound these days.  I am swollen, tired, and getting acid reflux from very bland things.  Time to hit the veggies... and I have to do it for more than two days.  Of course having a sick baby last week, my priority wasn't quite with eating right, it was getting something hot on the table and taking care of my baby.  The holidays are coming soon, and I don't want to be out of shape for that. 

Saving money seems to be going well.  So far....nothing really in savings yet but credit card is going down... which is always good, have money for daycare. 

Organization:  Work in progress.  My thoughts were that I would put my son in school/daycare and I would take a couple of days for myself and clean and organize my house.  With last week him being sick, I got my vacation, but not quite what I had hoped for.  So it is a work in progress 15 minutes at a time. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


September is here, and with it comes cooler weather, vivid colors, and pumpkin.  I am so excited for the turn of the seasons this year.  I can't wait to take Baby Max to his first pumpkin patch, make some really yummy pumpkin dishes, and decorate for Halloween.  This is going to be a great fall, and hopefully a great time in my life. 

With only a few months away from turning 41, I really have to buckle down and start doing something.  The weight is still hanging around, the disorganization, the messes, and feeling like I have no control over anything has to stop.  Soon!! Today!! 

So today I am going to try to make September one of the best months ever starting with a healthier eating plan.  (again).  One of these days someone is going to read this and say wow she finally got it together.  :) With a healthier eating plan, it seems that other things fall into place.  Meal planning, grocery shopping, decluttering and keeping things organized.  And it all has to start with me! 

I wish I could be one of those stay at home moms that post beautiful DIY crafts and make wonderful healthy meals with their children.  I feel so lacking in the home department, and sometimes even my work is disorganized and messy.  I guess I am so down on my self because it seems that I never really get any kudos for the things I do get done.  So I am going to list my kudos for this last week:

I took Baby Max on a road trip to see his great grandma.  Memories for grandma and me...

I got the baby up, dressed, diaper changed, diaper bag packed, lunch made and didn't forget anything.  All week!! 

I made dinner twice, the rest of the time was sandwiches and mac and cheese, buy hey I didn't eat out. 

I didn't run out of milk this week.  Go me!!  Meal planning at it's best. 

So now on to try and add a few more minutes of cooking, and organizing to my nightly routine.  With healthy eating I should have some more energy to do this. 

How do you other mom's keep it all together?